Fire of Azrael Incense - a Divination blend
So named after Azrael, the Kabbalistic Angel of Death, whom embodies a positive role as a consoler and comforter, guiding individuals through transition from life to death.
In alignment with Dion Fortune's occult novel, "The Sea Priestess," practitioners harness the Fires of Azrael to establish contact with the priests of Atlantis, reviving the worship of the ancient Gods of the moon and the sea. An offering suitable for increasing clairvoyant abilities.
If scrying in a fire you add this offering, and as the flames begin to flare up, invite a meditative experience by gazing through the fire. Allow your mind to focus effortlessly on the unfolding visions, enjoying the beauty of the incense smoke, flickering flames, and finding relaxation in the process.
You may enjoy as an incense or fire offering. This blend was initially created for seashore fire workings, it emits a white billowing smoke, which is best used in the outdoors as intended, you may use indoors as well, sparingly. Offered in a 30ml cork bottle pictured, or classic 15ml cork vial.
Fire of Azrael Incense
Recipe and ritual inspired by Dion Fortune’s book ‘The Sea Priestess’.
Name:Of Alchemy
Address: Kievitdreef 31