Elevate your magical work with authentic Medieval Dragon's Blood ink, presented in 30ml recycled glass bottles.
Crafted from the resin of the rare and mystical Dragon's Blood tree, this ink is a potent talisman for your rituals and sigils. Over the past ten years, I've dedicated myself to importing and working with this unique resin, harnessing its power to empower magical tools and incense. The original formula boasts a neutral scent. Each batch is meticulously prepared in sacred ceremony.
For the best results, we recommend using round or calligraphy brushes, although feathers can also be employed, they require a bit more finesse.
This ink is exclusively made from D. Cinnabari, the specific genus of medieval Dragon's Blood resin that ancient scribes used to create striking blood-red inks and dyes.
Dragon's Blood ink is a potent magical tool associated with both Venus and Mars. Renowned for its effectiveness in protection, love spells, amplification, and purification, it ranks among the most powerful ingredients in the practitioner's toolkit. Historically, it played a role in funerary rites and served as a formidable embalming agent. Some even believe that Dragon's Blood possesses the power to enable shape-shifting, making it incredibly versatile in magical practices, including its use as an ink for writing petitions.
The applications of Dragon's Blood are virtually limitless. You may apply it to amulets and talismans (be cautious as it will stain especially in ink form), anoint important papers or documents, and infuse it into your magical workings to unlock its extraordinary potential.
Dragon's Blood Ink
Our inks and oils are meticulously crafted in-house, properly prepared in small batches. This approach guarantees that our products are created in alignment with astrological influences, receiving the dedicated attention and care they deserve as sacred magical items. We take pride in the fact that our creations are not mass-produced in a factory or handled by numerous individuals.
Name:Of Alchemy
Address: Kievitdreef 31