Brighid’s tree is the Rowan tree. I’ve created these necklaces while focusing on the passing the flame during ritual to create our Brighid’s flame candles.
These Necklaces consist of 33 Rowan Tree Berries on each side, of a Brighid’s cross charm, The necklace is knotted inbetween each berry, long enough to go over the head for most. Numbers in 3 are sacred to Celtic Spirituality. The necklaces size range from 30-33 cm long.
Rowan Tree Key Attributes -
Lady of the Mountains
Protector from Enchantment
Evil eye Protection
Bright and Bold
Strong and Enduring
The Faerie Tree
Brides Tree - (Brighid)
The Tree of Songbirds
The Sun Tree
Witchwood Tree
The sleeping Dragon's resting place
The wood and berries from the Rowan Tree have been used for centuries for protection and good luck for both people, homes, and animals.
Wear the Necklace as a protective amulet during ritual, everyday, or hang in the home as a garland for protection. Tradition calls to hang above your door after having turned 3 times clockwise.
These Rowan Tree Necklaces are hand-strung on red thread with rowan berries from a town called Thorn (Dorne)
Brighid’s Cross - Rowan necklace
Name:Of Alchemy
Address: Kievitdreef 31
For entertainment purposes only. Any claims regarding the properties or benefits of this item cannot be substantiated. All uses and attributes of the product are based solely on occult practices, folklore, and spiritual belief. Magickal intentions are the sole purpose of its use, and there are no guaranteed outcomes, as the results of any magickal work are individual to each user.
Sold as a historic oddity and curio.